Dear Moderator

Hello. Hope you enjoy looking through my A2 blog.

My Research and Planning started in September, I began my Evaluations at the start of March and my final teaser trailer, magazine and poster follow after.

Thank you for your comments and guidance throughout this year. They have been appreciated!



Friday, 28 September 2012

Research and Planning: Questionnaire answers

Research and Planning: Film Questionnaire filled in.

This is a filled in version of our questionnaire.
From this questionnaire we have thought of some better idea's for the different sound and editing. We also have been informed from people from our target audience of the different things they would like to see, such as the main character and the location.
We will take on board most of the tips given to us on the questionnaires. 

Research and Planning: Trailer Questionnaire

This was our questionnaire before we gave it out. 

Research and Planning: Group Meeting

Group Meeting

We have discussed our film trailer and decided to make it a fantasy/horror rather than a fantasy/thriller, as we think the end result will turn out better.

We have also decided on our job roles within the group.
Mise en scene: Me.
Sound: Sammi.
Editing: Sam.
Cinematography: All of us.

Research and planning: what makes a trailer.

                                  What makes a film trailer different from a clip from a film?

  • Montage (Peaks from Narrative)
  • Voice Over
  • Titles
  • Title of Film
  • Release Date
  • Certificate
  • Studio Name

Monday, 24 September 2012

Research and Planning: Theories of audience

The Hypodermic Needle Model
This theory suggests that the audience watches a film, or plays a game and takes in a message unconsciously.

Cultivation Theory
The more times that the audience spend watching films and playing games, the more that they believe it is all real.

When the audience watch a certain thing over and over again to make them immune to the contents.

Copycat Theory
When the audience blame their negative actions on what they have seen happen in games or in films.

Uses and Gratifications Theory
The audience take out parts of what they see and remember it and forget what they decide they don't need.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Research and Planning: Film Trailer Analysis 2

At the beginning of the trailer, the music sounds really eerie because of the innocent sounding piano, this is a great way to build tension, because of the obvious contrast between the film and the music featured in it. The music then ends with a sound effect of Voldamort breathing, this is a chilling sound which also creates a atmosphere setting the mood for the rest of the trailer.
The music then picks up pace in a deep tone, which also changes the types of shots to a faster pace.
There is a voice over throughout the trailer which are quotes throughout the film of Voldemort but there are also clips of dialogue that actually match with the clip it is being shown with.
The music then quietens down as the famous line of Voldemort is quoted as a voice over "Only I can live forever" and then a sequence of fast paced music comes on to end the clip. There is then a lightening bolt effect which goes with the film story line, the music for this is a sound effect added on to the clip. Then the famous soundtrack for Harry Potter is played to end the clip completely.
In our trailer, we plan on using lots of little bits of sound which Harry Potter have used in theirs like the fast medley of music whilst showing all of the peaks of the film, and the creepy eerie music at the start of the film.

The editing at the start of the film consists of different jump cuts that match the music which is being played in the background. There are then a sequence of short clips each ending with a fade to black, I think this is a really good idea and would look good in our film. The clips in the film are quite fast paced and really go together quite well, leaving the audience always entertained and gripped to the trailer, this is how I want my trailer to look. The general lighting in the whole clip is mostly low key, but there are little parts which are high key because not all of the film was set in one night, so this just adds to the realism. Each time text comes up on the screen there is a jump cut to the same background of dark clouds, these go with the general theme of the film and also separate the film from the information, I'm not sure how we are going to do this in our film yet, we will have to hold a group meeting. The use of expansion of time is used throughout the trailer to add tension and show that it was happening for a long period of time, not just a ten minute thing.

In the first shot of the trailer there is a full length shot of a silhouette man walking in the dark, this automatically sets the scene. The use of full length shot is really effecting because the audience can defiantly distinguish the male body and automatically relate that to the perception of them being a 'baddy'. There are then a number of shots of different insignificant objects (unless you're into the films) until a close up of Voldemorts face comes on screen. The use of a close up on a someone who is seen as a villein is a good way of showing your audience that he will be causing trouble throughout the film, like Harry Potter, we plan to show a number of close ups on our 'villens'. There is then a master shot of Voldemort walking over dead bodies, this shot would be classed as a Master shot because it is the main setting for the full scene, a lot like Harry Potter, we plan to have a master shot of dead bodies with the villein towering over them, preferably in a low angle shot to show power.
The use of close ups in film trailers is great, as they show facial expressions, which sets the scene and mood of the film. When Voldemort and Harry are stood together in one part of the shot, the camera views them as equals but then when they're falling off the building there is a Birdseye view of them falling, and then towards the end of the clip, Harry starts to be shown in low angle shots in comparison to Voldemorts high angle shots, making Harry look like a hero.

This film is rated a 12A but I think the target audience would be from around 12-20, and mainly males although, it does also appeal to females. This film is the last out of all 8 so will obviously attract its audience from former films. A problem we would have if we were to make this film, would be that we are attracting a fresh audience and Harry Potter already has a fan base.

The genre of this film is probably a fantasy thriller film, which is the same genre as our origional idea, the characters used in Harry Potter are going to be used by us, to base out creatures on.

The film Harry Potter is not what we will be basing our film on as the genre is slightly different, but the different tecniques used in this trailer are a lot more similar to our film than different Horror films. This is why I have chosen to analyse this video.

Research and Planning: Film trailer analysis


The Blair Witch Project

When the Blair With Project came out in the cinema's, It was marketed as a real life situation, and a true story so when the marketing started, everybody wanted to watch it to see the disaster.
I'd say the audience for this film are mostly young people as they are the people who feature in the film. The film is a 15, so obviously the audience starts there and goes up. Id say 15 year olds up to 30 year olds would be the target audience for this film.
As both genders star in the film, I'd say both genders would be interested in going to see it. Males are probably more likely to go to see it, because of the film being scary and stereotypically, males are more likely to see a horror whereas girls are more likely to see rom-coms.
As the film is going to be a horror/fantasy, the audience are likely to be interested in them kinds of films.
In the trailer there are males and females who are students, you can tell they're students with how they are represented at the start of the trailer. They are all laughing and joking, like usual students, and the whole idea of them doing a school project is obviously relating to their age.
This film is a horror but i suppose can also be seen as a thriller film due to the 'hunt' as described in the trailer.
The representation of the males compared to the females in the film is stereotypical, as in the trailer the boy is shouting at the girl for loosing the map. This shows the side to the male that shows men always are right and girls are inferior to them.
The story, like our film trailer, is about people who go camping in the woods, unlike our trailer, the Blair Witch Project is from the perspective of the students, where as ours will be onlooking we think at the moment. There is a 'bad guy' in the Blair Witch Project who 'hunt' down the campers.
In the trailer there are lots of dark shots where they are running, this suggests that most of the film is set at night, this makes the film seem more scary already. There are also hints that the Blair Witch is just a suspicion due to the interviews at the start of the trailer.
In the trailer in some dialogue between the characters, there is talk of a lost map, this hints that they're going to get lost, causing disorientation.
In the trailer there is a close up of a girl recording herself talking alone, this gives clues to what has happened already in the film, and shows that they're one by one being hunted.
The structure to this trailer is all over the place in the sense that the trailer doesn't actually give much away. The whole thing is filmed by the characters, which makes the whole trailer more scary because it creates the illusion of them being very alone, due to there being no crew behind the scenes.
The genre to this film is mainly horror, I can tell this because of the narrative to the story, and the lighting and sound. The lighting is very dark and there are a lot of screams.
In the very first shot of the girl in her home, everything is very normal looking, to create the realism. This adds to the illusion of the whole film being real.
Everything in the woods is very minimal to show that they're only there temporarily and plan on returning home.
Until the scene with the voodoo type prop in the tree's, the whole trailer is very minimalistic when it comes to the mise-en-scene. The voodoo doll in the tree's shows that they're not alone and that is the first solid piece of evidence in the trailer that shows this. In this part of the film, I think they realize they aren't alone, which makes it quite scary.
There is a close up one one of the characters where she is wearing a hat, this suggests that is cold in the woods where they are. She also has runny eyes and nose, showing that they're not in home comforts.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Research and Planning: Film Poll

Friday, 14 September 2012

research and planning

Interview questions
- would you pay to see a fantasy thriller film? why?
-what aspects do you think should be involved in this genre of film?
-what is your description of a mythical creature
-what locations would be suitable for this film?
-what do you think is the limit in terms of contents in the film?
-what do you associate with fantasy films?
--what do you associate with thriller films?
- what is your favorite fantasy or thriller film?

research and planning: Photoshop challenge

In progress.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Research and planning: Regulation and censorship

The certificate for our trailer is going to be a 12A because of the content of the film. This includes violence and murder. In the film, we have decided one of the scenes will be in the woods, with a pile of dead bodies, we have decided to compare this to Harry Potter, and therefore this has influenced our decision to make it a 12A. Another reason for this rating is because it would be able to be shown on prime time TV in the day and evenings around family shows.

Although our trailer is a 12A, we believe the contents that will be in the actual film is worthy of a 15 as the film will show a lot more violence and gore in the actual film.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Research and Planning: The Chase

The Chase
This is our practice video for our movie trailers. in our group we decided that our 'chase sequence' was going to be set in the past and have a war theme to it.
Mise En Scene
We didn't know before the lesson what we would be doing to we didn't get to choose costumes and makeup as well as setting but we managed to find some props for our video. So if we were to do this task again, we would try to find somewhere where there weren't cars around and we would change outfits to make it more realistic.
Our guns made sounds themselves so we didn't have to find as many gun shot noises as we had them already, but we did use sound effects to enhance the sounds of the gun. We also used a backing track for the full video to create tension. There were other sound effects added throughout the video to make the sequence look as professional as possible.
We edited the video a lot as we filmed it in different clips in order to get the effect we wanted. We added a effect to all of the clips called 'Sepia' this was to create the effect of it being in the past. We also added a sequence title at the beginning of the clip to make it look a little bit more like a trailer.
When filming the video we tried to get in a number of shots to show a variety of skills. We included a long shot, a master shot, a medium close up and more.

I think there was a number of positives to our video, for example the sound effects we added to add realism to the end product.

There were lots of negatives to the video we created, mainly to do with the length. The 2 minute video we were meant to make, barely scraped by 1 minute so for future, I know that the length is crucial and filming more is better than filming less due to us being able to edit out bits that we don't need. 
I think whilst we was videoing the scene, we could have thought more about different shot types and angles because when we went to film it we forgot completely about being organized and including everything. In future I think we could have made a list of different things which we wanted to include to create which desired effect.
We didn't use any equipment to aid us during the video like a tripod, using this could have helped us to catch everything in the scene instead of losing bits because of the movement of the camera.
Another negative which i've already said is Mise En Scene. We could have included a lot more props, costumes and even a better setting to make the clip more realistic.