Dear Moderator

Hello. Hope you enjoy looking through my A2 blog.

My Research and Planning started in September, I began my Evaluations at the start of March and my final teaser trailer, magazine and poster follow after.

Thank you for your comments and guidance throughout this year. They have been appreciated!



Monday, 10 December 2012

Research and Planning: Harry Potter screenshots

I have watched a film trailer (Harry Potter obviously) and decided to screen shot some of the features and shots which I really liked.

 All Film trailers need to have an MPAA Message so I print screened this anyway.
 I really like this shot of Voldemort because of the angle it is shot on, the picture shows that its him, but you cannot see his full face or what condition he is in from the last film. So it is a good way of hinting but not showing the full shot, this is really good for a trailer.

 This shot is a lot like the last one of Voldemort, it focus's on Harry's eyes, like an eyeline match but because its the trailer it doesn't show the full shot. It also doesn't show his full condition.
 This is a really good establishing shot which is the kind of shot we are going to be using in part of our trailer.
Although this shot can never be replicated due to our storyline and budget, I really like the shot, because of the action in it and the colours.
 This birdseye shot of the Dragon in Harry Potter is great, I really want to involve an eyeline shot in my trailer.

 This is a brilliant shot of Harry and Voldemort, which again can't be replicated but I really like.
I like how Harry is in a shot on his own a lot throughout the trailer, showing that he is the main character, I would like to do this in my trailer but I can't due to the story line.

 This shot again, of Harry on his own really makes him look like a hero. The facial expressions, background, makeup and costume really portrays the full scene, and thee ward (ooh) portrays the full film. This shot is one of the last shots in the trailer and represents Harry in such a brilliant way.

 This heading for Harry Potter is brilliant. I like how the background isn't boring and black, it is clouded which relates to the theme. I print screened a little bit early but seconds after this a lightning bolt appears leaving "The Deathly Hallows Part 2" underneath the title.

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